Watchdog Hands over Parliament project
The Open Parliamentary Project (OPP) which enables the people to see for themselves what their Members of Parliament are doing in their districts is one way of fighting corruption in the country. The project which was initiated by Transparency International Papua New Guinea (TIPNG) in 2012 in partnership with the Speaker of Parliament, Theo Zurenouc, and the European Union with the aim of providing the people of Papua New Guinea with the required information about their MPs. Last week, the OPP was handed over to the Parliament by TIPNG after steering the project since its initiation. Chairman of TIPNG, Lawrence Stevens said TIPNG embraces the important of the project because it returned information on the proceedings of the parliament to the people who are the rightful receivers of the information. “The open parliament project is one of our flagship program and we have watched it grow with communities in the country embracing its’ importance. We hope that t...