Rural treat in Mendi

Organizer and owner of Heli Solutions Ltd, Captain James Pima kicking starting the grand final match for the Heli Solution’s off season Cup in Mendi on Monday. (L-R) Captain Pima and fellow community sponsors and supporters watching the grand final match on Monday in Yaken, Lower Mendi, S.H.P. One of the Grand Finalist of the Heli Solution’s off season rugby league, HKB Knights taking a breather during half time. By way of appreciating community participation, community leaders were given the chance to present awards to distinguished players of the season. Above is a village councilor awarding a trophy to the player of the season . In most part of Papua New Guinea, the festive season is a great time to take that trip home to the village and enjoy the company of your tribesmen and giving your children that opportunity to get in touch with their roots. For a community in Lower Mendi, it was nothing different. ...